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Partners in cooperations: Experts meet experts

Engelsmann strives for leadership in quality and innovation as regards its core competencies. To this end, in-depth interaction with technical colleges and the consideration of new technologies are of significant importance in order to develop ideas for productive innovation in the areas of screening technology and big bag systems. The collaboration of science and practice results in synergetic effects which we then implement for the solution to our customers’ requirements.

Hochschule Mannheim University of Applied Sciences

Process mechanics and innovative energy systems (Prof. Dr. Rädle)

Faculty of Chemical Process Engineering, Institute for Mechanical Process Technology (Prof. Dr. Hoffner)

Hochschule Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences

Department of Process Technology (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kaiser)

Member of VDMA

Engelsmann is actively involved in the Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (VDMA), the German Engineering Association.